“There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.” Aldo Leopold The Void This quote resonated deep inside me. In a time where many struggle to discover their purpose, I saw my own with great clarity: I needed to return to the land…
Making Space for Wildflowers
If keeping busy is a coping strategy for stress, I’m an expert at it. And luckily with a homestead, there’s no lack of things to do – especially when you are less than two years in. Build gardens, clean goat poop, install irrigation, plant things, clear trails, add infrastructure and so much more. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when a sea of projects is bearing…
Thoughts from the Exit and Build Land Summit in Texas
This past weekend I attended the Exit and Build Land Summit hosted by the Live Free Academy in partnership with Texas Freedom Cell Network. There was some great speakers including Breanne and her husband William from Plum Fabulous Foods who shared their experience growing over 3,000lbs of food on just 0.7 acres. And one of my personal heroes, Joel Salatin delivered an excellent session via…