Weekly Journal | Entry No. 2

We had to say goodby to Blackberry yesterday – the last of our original 6 girls that we brought into our lives in 2014. At 8 1/2 years old, her age finally caught up with her. No longer able to stand up, she struggled to get food and water. Often times she would lie down with her feet sprawled out behind her. A curious site…

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Weekly Journal | Entry No. 1

Note, this post is part of a new series, a weekly journal, where I spend less time worrying about writing pretty prose and more time sharing what we are currently working on/ dealing with on the farm. As we ramp up to start offering American Bresse hatching eggs, chicks, and young chickens for sale next spring, we find ourselves trying to balance multiple generations. This…

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The Danger of Not Owning a Farm

“There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.” Aldo Leopold The Void This quote resonated deep inside me. In a time where many struggle to discover their purpose, I saw my own with great clarity: I needed to return to the land…

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