Simple Pea Trellis

 My garden project is running a little behind. No big deal, except for the fact that I have some plants patiently waiting to be stuck in the ground. Last weekend I decided I couldn’t torture the peas any longer. They were strangling each other!

My genius husband came up with this concept for a cheap, easy trellis that can be used with pots. 

What you’ll need:

  • One piece of wire fence, semi stiff (chicken wire won’t do) about 16″ wide by 5′ tall.
  • A pot
  • Some good potting soil
  • Peas or beans (or any vining plant)

Step one:

Trim away two sections from the bottom of the fence, about the same height as your pot so that you have three tines.


Step 2:

Slide the tines over the pot so the the two end tines are on the inside and the center tine  is on the outside.

Step 3:

Firmly press in good potting soil and plant your plant. If you are tardy with potting your vine (ahem, like me) then spend some time twining the vines into the fence trellis.

Step 4:

Enjoy! You could add a tie strap or wire around the pot for extra security. But the trellis seems pretty firm without. 

If you have any inexpensive, quick trellis ideas please share them!  

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