I was amused to read this article that Danish Brewer, Carlsberg, is just a few years from developing the first fully biodegradable beer bottle. The article states the bottle will be made from wood fiber or paper pulp, but doesn’t provide much more information.
I think it’s a novel idea – and definitely an improvement over plastic or aluminum cans. And if the pulp is sourced from by-product materials it would be even more so environmentally friendly. While I do have reservations over the where the wood would be sourced (I really hope forests aren’t being harvested for beer bottles) I think developing an alternative to aluminum and plastic is a great idea and while glass is an environmentalists best friend, it still is expensive to make and recycle and costly to transport. A lightweight, biodegradable material made from renewable resources would be a great step in the right direction – if its truly from renewable resources.
Cheers to a novel idea!