Goodbye, Poppy

I knew something was wrong the moment I spotted her. As the other hens came skipping over, eager for their morning feed, Poppy just stood there hunched over. Then to my horror, I spotted it. The worst prolapse I’ve ever seen. Blood was coming out. She could barely hold her eyes open. Her comb and wattle drained of color. This wasn’t good.  I scooped her…

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The Texas Homestead

I pull on my boots and grab a bucket. Standard fare for anyone in Texas on a homestead. The forecast is 102 degrees. Already I can feel the warmth of the sun rays start to heat the air – even if it is only 30 minutes after sunrise. The young cockerels serenade me as I quickly make my first round on the farmstead to release…

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American Bresse Availability Update

We’ve been busy over here at Humblebee Farms. Busy raising future American Bresse breeding stock, busy filling orders from our farmstead, and busy adding infrastructure to allow for growth. In a word, busy! By fall, we expect to more than double our laying hens and introduce a new cockerel – “Peanut” – to our breeding rotation. We are encouraged by the strong interest for chickens…

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