Juice Fast Report | Day Zero


Today is day 0 for my 8 day juice fast. Armed with my reusable bags, I spent the morning purchasing an inordinate amount of produce (even the cashier jokingly thanked me on behalf of the produce department for keeping them in business). My cart was stuffed. It was so full of apples, kale, carrots, cucumbers and more that I could barely find a place to squeeze in a head of garlic Yes, I juice garlic, too. A whopping $400 in organic produce later I was armed with enough fruits and veggies to start my own produce stand.  Before your jaw drops any further, I purchased enough fruit and veggies for two people to “eat” nothing but juice for 8 long days. For reference, an eight day juice fast, for one using Blue Print Cleanse is $600.

And the adventure didn’t end when I got home. Knowing time would be my number one constraint during the work week, I washed, peeled, trimmed and prepped my haul, sorting everything into bins or bags along the way. I think I’ve got tennis elbow from pushing down the salad spinner the thousandth time.

At the same time my husband and I had a “soft” start to our fast. Instead of eggs and toast for breakfast (I wish there was a pause button on our chooks egg laying) we had a smoothie. Followed by another smoothie for lunch, home-made cashew milk for a snack and later we’ll have some fresh veggie juice. I did cheat a little, by eating half of a Chew-e-Core cookie – I couldn’t help it after finding out my very own produce guy makes and sells them himself. As a side note, the cookie was ridiculously good – and is wheat, dairy and egg free. I may have to break my fast with one of these things!

My husband recommended that I show what my booty looked like:

Produce Collage

The adventure begins tomorrow!


  1. casjuan February 21, 2015 at 3:45 pm

    good luck on your fast, so expensive though. but you can’t put a price on good health

    1. humblebeefarms February 23, 2015 at 10:31 am

      It’s kinda sad that a cart full of fresh produce costs more than a cart full of processed crap food. You would think that the extra effort of processing, packaging and transporting would make fresh produce the cheap choice. Thanks to some archaic farm bill policies and subsidies though, you can eat corn chips and soda for practically the tenth of the cost of produce. Sigh.

  2. tannachtonfarm February 21, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    Beautiful haul! good luck!

  3. aranislandgirl February 22, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    Wow, wow, wow! It looks more like a feast than a fast! Good man to suggest a photo, those beetroot are beautiful.

    1. humblebeefarms February 23, 2015 at 10:26 am

      I really love chiogga beets. They taste sweeter and don’t stain everything they touch!

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